Friday, February 25, 2011

Music Video

  The group who recorded this song is called "Bloc Party". They are an indie group from the UK and also one of my personal favorites.

   The song is in the "techo/pop" genre and the video is very sereotypical to this style of music for so many reasons.  That fact that giant monters are fighting in a city just screams tecno music.  Giant robots falling in love in the middle of this crazy battle of  crappy special effects and dinky cars makes this video perfect for the song and that much more enjoyable to watch.

  The video is obviously not even close to what reality is, but it shows everything in a very large and extreme scale for a reason. There is a love intrest in the video but the ways it is interperated is thats love is always set in a large scale and thing are over exaggerated and thats what the video is saying - that things may see like an overwelming battle (with giant monters :D) but it's not as bad as it seems.

  I think that this music video appeals to teens, but only a certain group of teens. I find that I don't watch this video to hear the music- I'm gonna watch it to see giant monsters and robots fight in a little city!

  This video makes me happy because when I think about it, it comes across as an independent video with all of its cheesie moments and effects. But it's not just that, it's that this video would still be fun to watch if it stood alone with out the music. I feel like this is a video that any one can watch and enjoy no matter how old.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

This is my First Post!

   I believe that media is very important in my life because most of the things i do in the day have to do with the internet, tv, books and movies. I listen to music through out the day as I do my school work, as I browse the internet and as i read my comics. The media follows me every where whether im in school or just hanging out with my friends.

   I really enjoy reading, mostly comic books like Marvel Ultimates and Kick-Ass. Music also plays a big part in my life as it does in most of our lives.  I would like to say i watch a lot of T.V. but I really don't, i just end up watching T.V. shows on the internet. So at the end of the day I use the internet to enjoy most forms of media.

   I think modern media and pop culture is growing and expanding so quick, every one is always talking their friends in one form or another. Every one is so conected to each other whether its through the internet or texting, we're always finding new ways to to comunicate with out being in the same room. The thing I do not like about pop culture is that its very straight forword sometimes. What I mean is that it is all ways that some style thats been "in" for nearly 10 years. The tv stations such as MTV and Much Music are scared to change up their music selection because they have been listening to the sames stuff (Rap, Pop) for 10 years.

   I use the media for many different things, but I mostly use it for entertainment like reading and watching movies and shows. I do use media for many other porposes such as catching up on resent news, talking with friends and on rare ocations... I actualy learn something.

  If I was stranded on a desert island and I had to choose 3 different types of media to have with me, I would choose :

Food is a form of media right?

1. T.V. (even though i watch most shows online)
2. Music
3. Books!

Man I wish food was a form of media!   The album that I would like to have with me is "Coming to Save You" by The Sunshine Underground (Edwards you need to look this album up... no seriously). I love this album because I can listen to the whole thing with out skipping a single song, - its great, I cant get enough of this album.

  But in very close second would have been "Is This It" by The Strokes.  :D

    It's really hard to choose my favorite book (because Im including comic "books" and graphic novels), so Im gonna choose 3! BAM!  My first choice would have to be "Jumper" by Steven Gould because I read that book in grade 5 and i was instantly hooked. Its what got me reading more as a kid. My second choice would have to be the whole Ultimates Graphic novel series (yes Im cheating) because its such a great take on the clasic Avengers team with a few new twists. My third choice is gonna have to be "Wanted" by Mark Millar because its just such a crazy little story thats so for away from reality - i just really enjoyed reading it.

     Now who wouldn't want to have T.V. with them on a desert island? As much as I would like to say Doctor Who is my favorite show, I can't because I am more comited to "Heroes" (greastest show of all time). I enjoy Heroes more because I've been watching it since the begining and I well.. I can't explain why I like the show so much. Its just a likeable show that lots of people can relate to but it also has the Sifi aspect to it.